Securing your Global IoT Network - SCADAfence & floLIVE

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Securing your Global IoT Network - SCADAfence & floLIVE

According to Kaspersky Research, during the first half of 2021, IoT cyberattacks more than doubled. There were 1.51 billion breaches of IoT devices between January and June, compared with 639 million during the equivalent period in 2020.

These numbers have a real and measurable impact on an IoT business’ bottom line, disrupting connectivity, affecting business continuity, and causing irreparable brand damage and harm. How can today’s IoT enterprises keep their landscape secure?

During this webinar, you will learn:

-How access to your IoT networks enables remote attacks.

-Keeping your IoT secure.

-What should be on your IoT connectivity supplier’s checklist.

Please fill out the form to view this webinar on-demand.

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