Anatomy Of A Targeted Ransomware Attack

💾 White Paper

Anatomy Of A Targeted Ransomware Attack

A True Story Of A Recent Incident Response To An Industrial Ransomware Cyber Attack.

SCADAfence’s Incident Response team assists companies in industrial cyber security emergencies. In this white paper, we will review a recent incident response activity in which we took part.

This white paper has been published with the goal of assisting organizations to plan for such events and reduce the impact of cyber-criminals on their networks.

The company that was attacked didn’t have the SCADAfence OT Network Monitoring Platform deployed at the time of the attack. The SCADAfence Platform was installed upon the arrival of our Incident Response team as part of the investigation, and helped them to contain the threat.

The SCADAfence Incident Response team was assisted by the SCADAfence Reverse Engineering team and by the SCADAfence Research teams, in order to gain knowledge on the cyber attackers and to contain the attack.

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